Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Energy on the Farm

Curt Silvey’s story is a special one, though most of the farmers out there (and we know that means a lot of you here in the state), can probably relate.  As a third-generation family farmer in Kokomo, Silvey has been responsible for more than 1,000 acres of land since the early 1980s.

Like most farmers, Silvey faces the obstacle of an inconsistent cash flow, so he had to be innovative in finding a way to maintain both fiscal efficiency as well as energy efficiency.  His solution: using grant money to fund a 3.22 kW ground-mounted solar array system.  Viewing the solar panels as a means of banking energy from an abundant energy source in the summer, the sun, Silvey knew this saved-up energy could help soften the blow from large electric bills in the fall when grain dryers are running. 

And he was right.  The installation was completed in 2010 and since that time, Silvey has reaped -- no pun intended -- energy savings benefits of 6,000 kWh and $650.  It is projected that on average, savings will amount to 4,808 kWh annually.

Many thanks to Curt for a job well done!

The Curt Silvey Farm is a recipient of Alternative Power & Energy (APE) funds, a sub-program of the State Energy Program.  SEP is administered through the Indiana Office of Energy Development and funded through the U.S. Department of Energy.