Monday, July 25, 2011

Batesville WWTP

Occasionally, OED's staff gets to visit wastewater treatment facilities.  It's not nearly as exciting as a wind farm, but water and wastewater treatment facilities consume quite a bit of energy.  So when we have the chance to help out, we do.

Batesville was the recipient of a 2010 grant from OED under our Energy Efficiency for Wastewater Treatment Facilities.   Seven of the city's motors had been operating for nearly thirty years, so an upgrade was long overdue!

These seven motors were replaced with newer, high efficiency motors, four of which are aerator motors and three of which are lift station motors.  Electricity consumption dropped significantly with the installation of these motors, decreasing by 12%.  Coupled with the 24% of process energy already saved by the plant through implementation of strategies such as sleep modes, the city is saving quite a bit of money.

The City of Batesville was a recipient of EEWT grant funds, a sub-program of the State Energy Program, administered by the Indiana Office of Energy Development through the U.S. Department of Energy.