Using EECBG funds, the Town Hall/Garage facility was retrofitted with 3 new exterior entry doors, double-pane windows, insulation, and new higher efficiency, Energy-Star rated HVAC equipment. In addition to the benefit offered by more energy efficient products, the insulation and replacement windows and doors serve to reduce the amount of air leakage from the existing units. These improvements also make the building a more comfortable place to work. The municipal sewage treatment facility (WWTP) was retrofitted with improved insulation, new windows, and higher efficiency, Energy Star rated HVAC equipment.

These improvements are estimated to represent a combined $14,650 in annual savings in energy expenditures for the town. Both pre- and post-improvement energy audits were performed for the project. WIN Energy, the local power provider, offers these audits to as a service to its customers. These audits have allowed Farmersburg to more fully quantify the improvements achieved through the project activities.
The Town of Farmersburg received an Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant (EECBG), a program funded through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. EECBG is a program of the U.S. Department of Energy, administered through the Indiana Office of Energy Development.
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