Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Community Conservation Challenge launches!

We're thrilled that we can finally announce we've re-opened the Community Conservation Challenge program.  It was a great success in 2010-11 -- we awarded $400,000 to four recipients around the state.  This year, we have an anticipated $1.2 million available for unique, highly-leveraged, and community-based projects.

Funding starts at $25,000 and goes up from there.  Here's a list of what's included --
  • Alternative fuel vehicle fleets
  • Combined heat & power
  • Biomass
  • Energy efficiency
  • Geothermal
  • Solar
  • Waste management and recycling
  • Water systems
  • Hydropower
  • Wind
With variety like that, everyone should be able to find something that fits their organization.  But, this isn't your usual grant program where you retrofit your lights or upgrade to more efficient vehicle.  We have to stress that we're looking for community-based programs.  Be unique -- we're open to that -- but make sure your proposal has a much larger impact than just for your organization.

If you'd like more info, head on over to our website at for more info.  Applications are due on November 10th.