Bosma Industries for the Blind is another great example of an EECBG recipient with a story to be told. But first, a little background --
Bosma Industries for the Blind in Indianapolis enters into contracts with companies to package and store items for those companies. This packaging and storage takes place in Bosma’s very own warehouse and requires a lot of hard work and dedication. So what makes Bosma so unique? It's the fact that the company hires visually-impaired individuals to do this work.
Grant money was used to retrofit every single light fixture in the 67,000 ft2 warehouse located in Indianapolis. That’s a lot of lights (and savings)! In fact, savings in energy costs will total about $6,000 annually, reaching nearly $138,000 over the course of the project’s lifetime. Quarterly kWh savings will be in the neighborhood of 188,000!
It was such a pleasure to visit the warehouse and meet all of the phenomenal individuals working there. Bosma Industries for the Blind does great work encouraging self-sufficiency and self-esteem for the visually-impaired. We thank you for all you do!
Bosma Industries for the Blind is a recipient of an Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) award, administered by the U.S. Department of Energy through the Indiana Office of Energy Development. EECBG is funded through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
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